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List of Indian intelligence agencies

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Every country has many types of intelligence agencies for its security., For any country in the world, its internal and external security is most important., Every country spends billions of rupees every year for this, America's annual defense budget is more than the economy of many big countries of the world., India is also not behind in this matter, India today has many types of intelligence agencies which work day and night for the internal and external security of the country., In this article you will get important information about these agencies of India,

List of intelligence agencies of India

National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC)

National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC) is the federal counter-terrorism organization of India. This body has been modeled on the UK's Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre. The Unlawful Activities Prevention Act of 1967 serves as its legal basis. The Standing Council of NCTC comprises counter-terrorism agencies of the states. For matters related to terrorism, this center works as a nodal agency for the Intelligence Bureau (IB), Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), Joint Intelligence Committee and state intelligence agencies.

NCTC Following are the functions of:
  • To carry out searches and arrests within the territory of India.
  • To coordinate all anti-terrorism measures.
  • Maintaining a database on terrorists and their associates.
  • Collecting, collating and disseminating data on terrorism.
  • To serve as a single and effective point of control.

National Investigation Agency (NIA)

The NIA was formed by an Act of the Parliament of India on December 31, 2008, following the November 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks. It plays the role of India's central anti-terrorism law enforcement agency. It is headed by a Director General appointed by the Central Government. This body works under the Ministry of Home Affairs. This agency has the power to investigate crimes affecting the sovereignty, security and integrity of India. The headquarters of NIA is located in New Delhi. The NIA is empowered to deal with terror related crimes in the states without special permission of the states on receiving a written proclamation from the Ministry of Home Affairs.

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Following are the functions of NIA:

  • To investigate and prosecute offenses under Acts designed to protect the sovereignty, security and integrity of India, security of the State, friendly relations with foreign States and to implement international treaties, agreements, conventions and resolutions.
  • Prosecuting offenses relating to smuggling of high quality counterfeit Indian currency.
  • Investigating crimes against nuclear and nuclear facilities.
  • To provide assistance to the Central Government and State Government.
  • To implement NIA Act.

National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID)

NATGRID is an integrated intelligence grid that collects and compiles comprehensive patterns of intelligence by linking the databases of all relevant security agencies which can be instantly accessed by intelligence agencies NATGRID was conceptualized after the Mumbai 26/11 attacks. It also has access to Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS).

Following are the functions of NATGRID:

  • Its main objective is to reduce the lack of real-time information, which was considered one of the biggest loop holes in tracing the activities of conspirators before 26/11.
  • The body collects a range of information from government databases, including tax and bank account details, credit/debit card transactions, visa and immigration records, and train and air travel schedules.
  • The agency uses cutting-edge technologies such as Big Data and analytics to study and analyze large amounts of data from various intelligence and law enforcement agencies to track suspected terrorists and prevent terrorist attacks.

Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI)

  • The Intelligence Directorate of Revenue was formed in 1957. DRI has also been designated as the nodal agency for the Anti-Smuggling National Coordination Center (SCord). The agency is headed by a Director General of the rank of Special Secretary to the Government of India.

Following are the functions of DRI:

  • It is the apex body primarily responsible for collection, study of information on trafficking activities and investigation of matters related to deployment of all anti-trafficking resources at all India level.
  • The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) Works under.
  • It bans smuggling of gold, diamonds, electronic gadgets, fake Indian currency, drugs, foreign currency etc.

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Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB)

Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) was established on March 17, 1986 under Article 47 of the Indian Constitution. The headquarters of this agency is located in New Delhi. NCB is a statutory body established under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act of 1985. NCB is the apex coordination agency between various narcotics and drug law enforcement agencies within the country. It is India's nodal point of contact with international agencies like UNODC INCB etc. This agency works under the aegis of the Home Ministry. Its motto is Intelligence Enforcement Coordination.

The major functions of NCB are as follows:

  • NCB prevents drug trafficking at the national level.
  • It cooperates with the Central Bureau of Investigation, Central Economic Intelligence Bureau, Customs and Central Excise/GST, state police departments and other intelligence agencies of India.
  • The NCB helps prepare national drug enforcement statistics and provides assistance to states in improving their efforts to enforce drug laws.
  • The agency provides resources and training to personnel of India's drug law enforcement agencies to fight drug trafficking cases.
  • Coordinates the actions taken by other concerned ministries, departments and organizations in relation to matters related to drug abuse.

Intelligence Bureau (IB)

The Intelligence Bureau was established in 1887 and is the oldest intelligence organization in the world. Hence it was called the Indian Political Intelligence Office. The headquarters of the body is located in New Delhi. In 1921, its name was Indian Political Intelligence (IPI). It was set up by the British Government as a Central Special Branch. Later, after independence it came to be known as Intelligence Bureau.

The main functions of IB are as follows

  • The IB collects and compares information within countries.
  • It also carries out counter intelligence and anti-terrorism operations.
  • This agency is officially controlled by the Ministry of Home Affairs.
  • The Intelligence Bureau closely monitors developments related to parliamentary undertakings and reports to the Cabinet Secretariat.

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Research and Analysis Wing (RAW)

RAW, which stands for Research and Analysis Wing of India, primarily deals with external intelligence. RAW was formed in 1968. After the India-Pakistan war and the India-China war, the country felt the need for an external intelligence agency, which led to the formation of RAW.

The major functions of RAW are as follows:

  • To gather military, economic, scientific, and political intelligence through both covert and overt operations.
  • Also pay attention to the arms smuggling racket in the country.
  • Collecting foreign intelligence, conducting counter-terrorism operations, advising Indian policy makers, promoting counter-proliferation, and furthering India's foreign strategic interests.
  • RAW also takes care of the security of India's nuclear programme.
  • It functions under the orders of the Prime Minister, however, it reports to the Cabinet Secretary of India.

Bureau of Police Research and Investigation (BPR&D)

The Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D) was established in 1970 under the Ministry of Home Affairs. BPR&D replaced the Police Research and Advisory Council formed in 1966. It works under the aegis of the Ministry of Home Affairs. The headquarters of BPR&D is located in New Delhi.

The major functions of BPR&D are as follows:

  • It aims to identify, study and research problems in the police forces of the country and propose effective solutions to resolve the issues or meet the needs of the forces.
  • Modernizing the police.
  • To identify the needs and problems of policing in the country, undertake research projects and studies and suggest ways and means to deal with the problems and challenges and meet the needs and requirements of policing.
  • There are two departments under BPR&D: Research, Statistics and Development & Training.

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