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Antonyms, definition, types and its examples

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Antonyms are an important part of the grammar of our language. These words help us understand the peculiarities of the language and experience it more deeply. Antonyms are those words which are opposite to each other, that is, which are used in the opposite meaning of each other. The study of these words helps us to understand the significance of language and its diversity. In this article, we will discuss the importance, types, and uses of antonyms.

definition of antonym

Antonyms are words that are opposites of each other, that is, their meanings are opposite. These words help in understanding the significance of language and its diversity. Antonyms reverse the meaning of words and come in different types. Antonyms are called 'Antonyms' in English. Antonyms are also called antonyms and antonyms. These words are used in grammar and literary works.

types of antonyms

Words with opposite meanings are formed in the following way:

  1. independent antonyms – Examples – merits and demerits, birth and death, real and fake, today and tomorrow, small and big.
  2. Antonyms formed from prefixes – This type of antonym is done by adding a prefix to the word. Antonyms are formed by using prefixes in antonyms. The antonyms formed in this way are also of two types –
    • Antonyms formed by combination of prefixes – Such words in which by adding a prefix to the root word, its word is reversed or opposite; For example, by adding the prefix per to plaintiff, the opposite meaning of 'plaintiff' is expressed and it becomes defendant. That is, the plaintiff and the defendant are similarly insulted in the opposite way, and the result is inverted.
    • Antonyms formed by changing prefixes – Such prefixed words are formed by change or alteration of prefixes. Like – the opposite of favorable is unfavorable, the opposite of love is virag, the opposite of good is kuruchi, the opposite of orphan is Sanath etc.
  3. By different ethnic words – Example: Azad – Slave, Ahead – Back, Bitter – Sweet, Adham – Uttam, Anurag – Viraag etc.
  4. By changing the words used like suffix – Example: Republic – Monarchy, Minority – Majority, Uttarayan – Dakshinayan, Autocracy – Polycracy etc.
  5. Antonyms based on gender change – Example: Son to daughter, husband to wife, man to woman, mother to father, sister to brother, queen to king etc.

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list of antonyms

list of 100 antonyms
Advanced – Degraded

departure – arrival

immovable – movable

dull – juicy


direct – direct

ignorant – ignorant


detail – summary

direct – indirect

Dignity – Laghima

eternal – mortal

oral – written

unruly – gentle

Orphan – Sanath

Rich – Akinchan

Asthapagya – omniscient

Wholesale – Grocery

positive – negative

Avni (Earth) – Amber

opposite – opposite

Great – Shrudra

Beginning (Athar) – Iti

ancient – ​​modern

fertile – fertile

self action process

Ancient – ​​Ancient China

Sanyasi – householder

major – minor

soft – rough (hard)

Riju/Riju – Curve

hey – acceptable

Shyama – Gauri


concentrated – anxious

resolution – option

input – input

ideal – reality


Atrang – Vahirang

artificial – natural


collection of interest

very little

growth and decline

Creation – Doomsday




slow – fast / fast

Hereafter – This world

Shree Ganesh – Itishree


Attractive – Repellent/Repulsion

good and bad

Bhushan – Dushan


intact – damaged

Tul – Atul

young – old

absolute – relative

fundamental – non-original

joint – separate

Samast – Certain / Disast

boisterous – laziness


prohibited – prescribed

use – misuse

Trisha – Satisfaction

Law – Prohibition


tall/thick – agricultural body

Giver – Sum

Nisiddha – Canonical

Karkas – Susil

accept/adopt – express/reject

Homemade – Vanilla

Jyotirmaya – Tamomaya

chinmay – root

Rural – Elegant/City


crooked – simple

arrival – disappearance

Invocation – immersion

contraction – extension

natural – artificial

grateful – ungrateful

Spruha/aspiration – disinterested

rain/rainfall – no rain/drought

Sabhis – Nirbhish/not consuming meat

craving – aversion

Geography – Yagol

Request – Reluctance

decline – rise

Jaraj – Auras

movable and immovable


preceding – succeeding

worried – worried

updated – old

Frequently Asked Antonyms

some important antonyms
sadness – joy


Humanity – Cruelty


favor – disfavor


Gentleman – Wicked

special – general


superior – inferior


happy Sad

Creation – Doomsday

brave – coward

Necessary – Unnecessary

indoor outdoor

finished – not finished, started

heaven Hell

difficult – easy

Compulsory – Optional

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